- The college has a well- equipped automated library containing books and journals.
- The College Library caters to the academic need of the students as well as the members of the teaching and non-teaching staff.
- Library Card issued to the students during the beginning of their first year classes are to be produced in order to make use of the library and the Cards are to be renewed at the beginning of each academic session.
- Career support service is also provided by the library for the benefit of the interested user.
- Strict silence and order must be observed by all in the Library.
- Only two book will be issued per card to the students
- Books must be returned within the due date failing which a fine will be imposed.
- If any defect, writing or marking is noticed in a book that is being borrowed, that should be intimated to the librarian immediately. Failure to this checking renders are liable to be considered responsible for defects noticed on the return of the book.
- Magazines, Journals, Periodicals and Reference Book superscripted “Not to be issued” or “Confined to Library” can be used within the Reading Room only.
- Library Card is not transferable and it must be returned at the time of leaving the college.
- A lost card may be replaced by a new one, on payment.